Monday, September 13, 2010

I see....

This is what Caleb is working on this week for Homework, today
he read all 7 of the sentences to me!  Talk about a proud mama! I'm sure
he has gotten this memorized, but I'd like to think he's actually reading this!
Who know's he just might!

I know I was fighting back tears as we went over this, I was so over joyed! Caleb would probaly
say I went a litte overboard in my reaction to this, in fact his words were "Mama you crack me up" &
in fact he wanted me to reinact my reaction, he thought it was so funny.

What was your reaction when your child first read to you??

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I remember my oldest daughter reading a sentence to me, I teared up too. It's such an awesome moment and made me so proud !
